The expansion provides the design and construction of 2.150 km of metro way, 2 metro stations and underground parking lot.
- The trace starts from MS 13 in "Mladost I" and continues, under the ground below "Andrei Saharov" Blvd. up to "Mladost 1A" living area, where MS 18 is located and reaches "Inter Expo Center – Sofia" at Tsarigradsko shose Blvd. A public underground parking lot will be constructed next to MS 19 with two levels with 1,500 parking places.
Additional information:
The expansion of the metro "Mladost I" living area – "Mladost III" living area – "Tsarigradsko shose" Blvd. is the first stage of the expansion "Mladost living area – Drujba living area – new airport terminal" of line 1. It includes and underground trace with length of 2.5 km, 2 metro stations and large buffer parking lot at Inter Expo Center, located at the metro station below Tsarigradsko shose Blvd.
Part of the tunnels (at the crossing of "Al. Malinov" Blvd. and before "Tsarigradsko shose" Blvd.) are constructed underground as per the New Austrian tunnel method and the metro stations, the rest of the tunnels and the buffer parking lot below Tsarigradsko shose – according to open method in reinforced foundation ditches.
On 1 June 2009 was started the construction the extremely important site of the section - the joint, including the metro station, located crosswise to "Tsarigradsko shose" Blvd., next to the International exposition center and the large buffer parking lot for 1,500 cars under "Tsarigradsko shose" Blvd., connected to the station.
The metro station has central entrance vestibule, located under the lanes of the boulevard and entrances next to the Expo center and from the South side of the boulevard, across the Expo center.
Based on the fact that this boulevard is the largest incoming and outgoing traffic artery of Sofia, East of the station, under the lane of the boulevard, it is provided to locate the first large parking lot in the capital with real buffer functions.
A taxation scheme in the parking place is offered, where the cars, entering Tsarigradsko shose to be parked at preferential prices and the parking ticket can be used for two-way trip with the metro. In such a way, the individuals, traveling with these cars, instead of adding additional load to the traffic and trying to park in the central part of the city, will be able to park them for cheap and through quick and comfortable transport will be able to go and do their business in the town.
The section is constructed by the Union "Metro Mladost". Two subsidiary companies of "Trace Group Hold" PLC – "PSI" JSC - Stara Zagora and "Trace Sofia" JSC are participating in it and the partners are "ADVAL" AD and "Stroiinject" AD.