TRACE through its subsidiary “Trace PZP Nis” AD in the Republic of Serbia gave scholarships to four talented students from the construction faculty of the University of Nis, Republic of Serbia. This event happened in a special ceremony at the conference hall of the Municipality of Nis in the...
Presentation of Trace Group Hold PLC
The Year 2014 was significant for "Trace Group Hold" PLC in respect of the investments which were made abroad. Two road construction companies from Serbia joined the Group - "Trace PZP Nis" AD (acquired on 29.09.2014) and "Trace PZP Vranje" Ltd. (acquired on 29.01.2015). Those are leading...
“Trace Group Hold” PLC through its subsidiary “Trace PZP Nis” PLC acquired a second road construction company – PZP Vranje, located in the territory of Republic of Serbia.
The changes in the legal status of the PZP - Vranje were registered at the Registry Agency on 29.01.2015. The new company’s...
TRACE became a sponsor of the most successful team in the history of women's football in the former Yugoslavia and present Republic of Serbia - „Мasinac”, city of Nis. The contract was signed between the subsidiary of the holding "Trace PZP Nis" PLC, represented by Eng. Nikolay Valev – Vice...
During the traditional Danube business forum, Trace International PLC received the “Captain Misa Anastasievich” award on an official ceremony in Belgrade. Eng. Nikolay Valev – manager of Trace International and vice-chairman of the Board of Directors of Trace Group Hold PLC accepted the prize. In...
“Trace Group Hold” PLC signed a contract for acquisition of the road construction company PZP – Nis, located in Republic of Serbia. The transaction value is 588 527 555, 50 RSD or approximately 5 million €.
Main assets of the acquired company include a quarry, stone crusher installation with...
On 6/11/2013, the United "WATER PROJECT Stara Zagora," leading partner "Trace Group Hold" PLC, signed a contract with the Municipality of Stara Zagora to perform construction works on "Integrated Water Project in Stara Zagora." Signatures to put the contract mayor of Stara Zagora Zhivko Todorov...
On 22/05/2013, in the Commercial Register in the case of "Trace Sofia" was recorded the following changes:
General Meeting of Shareholders approves singer and transformation through a merger of "TRACE RHOADS" EAD "TRACE Sofia". Conversion shall take effect from the date of registration in the...