The project is approved for funding as per the procedure BG161РО005/10/1.11/02/16 "Improvement and development of drinking and waste waters in agglomerations with above 10,000 equivalent inhabitants" as per priority axis 1 - "Improvement and development of the infrastructure for drinking and waste waters in inhabited areas with more than 2,000 equivalent inhabitants and in populated areas with less than 2,000 equivalent inhabitants from town agglomeration areas" of Operational program "Environment 2007-2013".
The beneficiary is Municipality of Stara Zagora. The value of the project is 40,399,582 BGN.
Cohesion fund: 31,333,916 BGN. National co-funding 7,833,479 BGN. Funding by Municipality of Stara Zagora. 1,232,187 BGN.
The value of the construction contract is 32,354,245.82
The duration of the project is 30 months.
The contractor of the project is Union "WATER PROJECT STARA ZAGORA" with "TRACE GROUP HOLD" PLC as leading partner, "PSI" JSC, "VODOSTROI 98" AD and "INFRASTRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION" EOOD.
The purpose of the project is the construction, rehabilitation and reconstruction of the sewage system of the town of Stara Zagora and adjoining village of Bogomilovo in order to reduce the discrepancies between the share of the population, connected to the sewage system and to achieve compliance with Directive 91/271/EEA and National legislation.
The project is targeted towards:
- Construction of new sewage network, according to the capacity of Waste waters treatment station and the license for discharge in town of Stara Zagora and sewage network in village of Bogomilovo.
- Expansion of the main collectors and discharge channel in central town part and APK living area and cancellation of the overflow and coming of separated waters to the waste water treatment station, which compromises its operation.