On 01.07.2018 Trace Group Hold started repair works on Vasil Levski Blvd. carriageway in Sofia, Bulgaria. The rehabilitated road section is located btween "Tsar Osvoboditel" Blvd. and "Graf Ignatiev" Str., and is 700 m long and 18 m wide. The project is under Contract No. СО15-РД-55-355/11.06.2015 "Current repair and maintenance of the street network and road facilities on the territory of Sofia Municipality - I-zone, Vitosha, Lozenets, Sredets and Triaditsa districts".
Rehabilitation activities include asphalt milling, filling of cracks, laying of a geosynthetic mesh, laying of a metal road mesh network for reinforcement of asphalt layers (in the area of stops), asphalting, laying of road marking.
The project has two innovations. For the first time in this rehabilitation works on Sofia Boulevard there are separate so-called shared bus lanes. Through them, there is an uninterrupted lane - it reaches the stop line of the junctions regulated by traffic lights, and vehicles turning to the right can make it from the bus lane.
The other innovation of the project is the construction of so-called "pockets" against the parking of cars on the direct route of "Vasil Levski" Blvd. in order to facilitate the pedestrians when they cross the boulevard.
Project video is available here.