Employer: CNAIR S.A. (Romanian National Road Infrastructure Company)
Contractor: Trace Group Hold Plc in a JV consortium with the local Romanian company SC CONI SRL
Contract value: 1 249 994 527 RON without VAT
Deadline for execution: 20 months
In the city of Buzau Municipal Council Dipl. Eng. Boyan Delchev, Trace CEO signed the contract for the project: Execution of construction works on Ploiesti-Buzau Highway: LOT 2 Mizil - Pietroasele km 21 +000 - km 49+350, Republic of Romania.
The event was attended by the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies Marcel Colacu, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport Sorin Grindeanu, the Minister of Interior Lucian Bode and the Minister of Culture Lucian Romascanu, representatives of CNAIR S.A. (Romanian National Road Infrastructure Company), as well as representatives of the local authorities.
“Trace Group Hold” Plc in a JV consortium with the local Romanian company SC CONI SRL will execute 28,35 km long highway section. During the construction works will be implemented 20 bridge structures.